From the Laboratory to the Clinics: New Insight into Translational Research toward Bio-Orthopaedics
Centro di ricerca Codivilla-Putti
Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli
via di Barbiano 1/10
40136 Bologna (Italy)
Regenerative Medicine is a cutting-edge field that work to restore structure and function of damaged tissues. This therapeutic strategy offers promising results in the field of orthopaedics and its goal is to use the innate healing ability of a patient’s own body to regenerate tissues. There are many different option treatments to address orthopaedic injuries. The ideal one should be minimally invasive, natural, able to restore original functions and with long-lasting results.
Even if different therapeutic regenerative strategies are applied by several orthopaedics in specilized Institutes, the clinical outcome is not always comparable and the scientific rationale at the basis of their application must be still clear and in-depth identified. These aspects will be discussed during the Focus Meeting by international basic researcher opinion leaders and orthopaedic surgeons’ practitioners. Our programme will include hot topics on cells (autologous, heterologous from different sources, extracellular vesicles, secretome), growth factors (PRP), biomaterials and medical devices and some issues related to the intellectual properties discussed by experts in this field.
(Nota: la lingua ufficiale del convegno è l'inglese; non è prevista la traduzione simultanea)

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