Main container

Rizzoli RIT Department



Secretary's Office

phone +39-051-6366566




We perform translational and industrial biomedical research in the field of prevention and cure of orthopedics-related diseases.

The Rizzoli-RIT (Research, Innovation & Technology) Department is the organizational branch of the Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute within the Emilia-Romagna High Technology Network.

The Rizzoli-RIT Department intends to:

  • increase the knowledge on physiopathology through researches based on highly technological instruments and processes;
  • transfer such knowledge to the actual cure of patients, in collaboration with the industrial world. 

The main research field of the Rizzoli-RIT Department involve diagnostics, pharmacology and nutraceutics, materials science and IT science.

The Laboratory has implemented projects financed by European Funds of the Emilia-Romagna Region and by the Fund for Development and Cohesion:

Organizational structure

Research complex unit

Research simple unit

Attached videos and documents

Il Laboratorio ha realizzato progetti finanziati dai Fondi europei della Regione Emilia-Romagna e dal Fondo per lo sviluppo e la coesione.