Columbaro Marta, MSc, PhD
Biology Research Manager
B-Level Professional Assignment: Ultrastructural and immunocytochemical analysis in musculoskeletal diseases
1995: MSc in Biological Science at the University of Bologna.
2006: PhD in Molecular Cytodifferentiation at the University of Bologna.
Good knowledge of English.
Good knowledge of the Microsoft Windows XP operative system; Office suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint); Adobe Photoshop; online bibliographic research.
2018-2019 - Lecturer within the following project: the "IRMI - Creation of a multi-regional infrastructure for the development of advanced therapies aimed at organ and tissue regeneration" of the "ALISEI" CLUSTER CTN01_00177_888744.
- From 2009: member of Italian Network for Laminopathies.
- Participation in the following projects:
- 2018-22: AIRC Project “Altered lipid metabolism as a stressing reaction to tumour microenvironment and a driver of metastasis in osteosarcoma”
- 2010-12: PRIN Project – Italian MIUR (20082008PB5S89_002) “Studio dell'effetto di mutazioni del collagene VI sull'organizzazione della matrice extracellulare di tessuti e colture di fibroblasti umani” (Study of the effect of collagen VI mutations on the organisation of the extracellular matrix of human fibroblast tissues and cultures)
- 2007-11: Research Project “Characterization of new genetic defects in MAD”, Italian ISS (High Institute of Health)
- 2006-09: E.C. Project “EURO-Laminopathies, Nuclear Envelope-linked Rare Human Diseases: From Molecular Pathophysiology towards Clinical Applications”
- 2004: Telethon Project “Collagen VI myopathies: from mouse therapy to human trials”
- 2003-05: Research Project of the Association Francaise Contre le Myophaties (AFM – French Telethon)
- 2003-04: Research Project 03/123 “Genes involved in laminopathies”, Italian Ministry of Health
- 2001-03: Partecipation to FIRB Project “ Genetic diseases”, Italian Ministry for University and Scientific Research (RBNE01JJ45_005)
- 2001-02: Partecipation to Research Project 83/01, "Distrofie muscolari: processi differenziativi e fibrotici, prospettive terapeutiche" (Muscle dystrophies: differentiating and fibrotic processes, therapeutic perspectives) Italian Ministry of Health
- 1999-2003: E.C. Project “MYO-CLUSTER Genetic resolution of myopathies”.
From 2017: tumor microenvironment and metabolism. Mesenchimal stem cells and photoactive nanoparticles delivery for osteosarcoma treatment. Ultrastructural characterization of nanoparticle-drug-photosensitizer complex used in photodynamic therapy (PDT).
1997-2017: nuclear envelope proteins and lamins; nuclear morphology and chromatin organization in laminopathies, such as muscular dystrophies, lipodystrophies and premature aging syndromes at TEM level. Lamins in cellular differentiation (osteoblasts, myoblasts, pre-adipocytes).
Main techniques are electron and fluorescence microscopy, cell cultures.
Publications: 83 publications in journals with IF.
- ORCID: 0000-0002-4439-8976
- SCOPUS: ID 6603913944
- Research ID: C-6960-2019.