Phone: +39051 6366937
E-mail address: andrea.morini@ior.it
Phone: +39051 6366937
E-mail address: andrea.morini@ior.it
2023: Master’s degree in Molecular and Industrial Biotechnology (LM-8) obtained at Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna with 110/110 vote with honors
2020: Bachelor’s degree in Biotechnology (L-2) obtained at the University of Aquila with 110/110 vote with honors
Italian: native
English: fluent
French: scholastic
Spanish: scholastic
Knowledge of the Office package, GraphPad, Canva
Affiliation to the Italian Association for Cell Cultures (AICC);
Publications: "A modular platform for targeted photodynamic therapy of gram-negative pathogenic bacteria" - Petrosino et al. (iScience, 2023)
Musculoskeletal oncology, targeted therapy, targeted protein degradation, epigenetic, RNA interference