Research project about Ewing's sarcoma, one of the most common primary bone tumors and mainly affects children and young adults.

It is a tumor which, despite the efforts made, still has cognitive and clinical needs to solve, and requires a research path in order to improve patient care, with particular attention to the more aggressive forms.
The project investigates molecules (RNA/proteins) hypothesized as the main responsible for the dynamics associated with the metastatic process.
Through the use of preclinical models capable of representing the genetic and epigenetic complexity of human Ewing's sarcoma, the project aims to study the processes that regulate the trafficking, localization and function of these molecules both at the intracellular level and within of extracellular vesicles, in order to identify new therapeutic targets.
The ultimate goal is the definition of new pharmacological treatments to be offered to oncologists who treat patients with this pathology
Project: AIRC - Accelerating biomarkers and targeted therapy development in metastatic Ewing sarcomas: focus on tumor cell plasticity.
Acronym: AIRC IG2019 Id22805
Call: Investigator Grant - IG 2019 YEAR 2019
Duration: 01/01/2020-01/04/2025
Principal Investigator: Katia Scotlandi
Total funded: 1.050.000,00€