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Physiatric clinic specialised in childhood motor disabilities has started

Specialist visits on orthopaedic pathologies are available every Monday

December 15th, 2022
La D.ssa Rizzo e la D.ssa Gaziano, fisiatre del Dipartimento Rizzoli-Sicilia

From December, at Rizzoli-Sicilia Department, is activated every Monday, a clinic specialised in childhood simple motor disabilities.

Teide Gaziano MD and Serena Rizzo MD, physiatrists at Rizzoli-Sicilia, will carry out specialist visits concerning:

  • postural stiff neck,
  • clubfoot,
  • flatfoot,
  • scoliosis
  • other minor pathologies of orthopedic origin

The clinic is for patients aged 3 to 16.

Once the physical evaluation has been carried out, the patient will be taken over and then followed through a follow-up programme.

The clinic is directed by Professor Maria Grazia Benedetti, Director of Functional Recovery and Rehabilitation Structure of Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute of Bologna.

Booking is by telephone service.

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