In the Surgical Science and Technologies laboratory biomedical-surgical research is performed since 1991.
The mission of the Laboratory is to conduct pre-clinical, translational and clinical researches mainly on musculo-skeletal system diseases, biocompatibility, bioactivity and biofunctionality of medical devices according to National, European and International normative. The study of new and reliable preclinical methods aims to optimize the research to a growing number of studies and projects. Researchers are aimed at developing knowledge and methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of skeletal disorders in order to improving human health.
The laboratory has a huge experience in developing in vitro experimental models (cell cultures of osteoblasts, osteoclasts, chondrocytes, tenocytes, ligament’s cells, endothelial cells, fibroblasts, macrophages, and mesenchymal stem cells from different sources and co-cultures) and preclinical studies evaluating safety and therapeutical efficacy of therapies for traumatic, dysmetabolic, degenerative, infective and neoplastic diseases mainly of the musculo-skeletal system. To support and integrate the preclinical research, at the Laboratory analysis of molecular biology, biochemical assays, ELISA, radiographic, histological (on decalcified and not decalcified tissues), histochemical, immunohistochemical, histomorphometric, biomechanical and microtomographic tests are also conducted. Many studies are performed in collaboration with colleagues of the Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute and other Research Institutes, Universities, public and private institutions and Italian and foreign companies. The research is carried out mainly through the design and conduction of studies regarding:
- Reconstructive Prosthetic Surgery
- Regenerative Medicine
- Oncology
- General/Traumatological Orthopaedics
- Orthopaedic Medical Pathology
Since 2008, the laboratory is certified for the implementation and maintenance of a quality management system according to UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 for the conduction and execution of research projects and tests for third parties. All researches and tests conducted at the Surgical Science and Technologies laboratory are in compliance with applicable regulations.
Documents and videos about the ward/service
Documents and videos about the laboratory

Contacts and Locations
Secretary's office
phone +39-051-6366787
Centro di Ricerca Codivilla-Putti
via di Barbiano, 1/10
40136 Bologna (Italy)