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Rome, a novel membrane protein in vertebrates, enhances the metastatic phenotype of Ewing Sarcoma cells

Lecture of Prof. Aykut Üren – Department of Oncology Georgetown University Medical Center, Whashington, D.C.

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Centro di Ricerca Rizzoli Orhopaedic Institute (Marchetti hall)
di Barbiano street 1/10, Bologna 

Tuesday, October 1, at 15.00 in the Marchetti hall of the Research Center of the Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute professor Aykut Üren – Department of Oncology Georgetown University Medical Center, Whashington, D.C. will hold a lecture entitled "Rome, a novel membrane protein in vertebrates, enhances the metastatic phenotype of Ewing Sarcoma cells".

Lecture Prof. Üren
Lecture Prof. Aykut Üren


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