Main container

Risk Management and Clinical Governance


The complex Unit Risk Management and Clinical Management, is part of Healthcare Medical Directorate staff.  The Unit guarantees Organization Risk management and Clinical Governace functions, with an integrate approach. 

The Unit governs the process of corporate Risk Management overall to fully implement the Regional Program for the prevention of adverse events and direct claims management in compliance with the current regulatory framework on health risk management and professional responsibility. It therefore coordinates the planning, implementation and monitoring of the actions of the Business Plan for Safe Care and Risk Management in line with the annual objectives of the Regional Planning. The dimension taken into consideration is the safety of care, seen as the set of all the functions and activities aimed at the prevention and management of the risk related to the provision of healthcare, including any undesirable consequences thereof which have been brought to bear on the person receiving the aid. For this activity, the Complex Structure coordinates with the administrative and technical functions responsible for overseeing the safety management and claims management processes.

The Unit also coordinates and leads the activities related to the Clinical Government, through the monitoring of clinical performance and the contribution of business functions that oversee the patient experience, the socio-integrationhealth, well-being and humanization of clinical and care pathways, ensuring support to the company health management, departments and operational units in the organization and management of clinical care pathways in compliance with service standards (volumes, outcomes, appropriateness, professionalism, transparency, fairness, ...). The dimension taken in consideration is, in summary, the quality and appropriateness of the entire path of the assisted person within the organization and outside within integrated clinical networks. For this activity the structure coordinates with the functions of staff and services with particular reference to the health area as well as with the SAITER Directorate and the Departments Directorates.

The complex Unit promotes training and research on issues of care safety and quality of care.


Contacts and Locations

Where are our locations?

Rizzoli Ortopaedic Institute - monumental area

street G.C.Pupilli 1

40136 Bologna