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Day Surgery - General Orthopedics


The Day Surgery ward of the Rizzoli Sicilia Department consists of 6 beds and one surgery room, operating every morning, Monday to Friday.

Admission to the Day Surgery ward is provided to patients with pathologies needing small surgical interventions, but not requiring an overnight hospitalization. The interventions therefore involve hands and feet, so that it is possible to perform a local-peripheral anesthesia of the single limb to be operated.

Patients suffering from hands and feet pathologies, or knee pathologies requiring simple arthroscopies, can be operated in Day Surgery. It is also possible to perform biopsies (tissue sample taking) in case of suspect of tumoral, or chronic infective/inflammatory diseases.

After the orthopedic visit, every patient admissible to a Day Surgery intervention is summoned in the anesthesiologic pre-surgical ward, for the performance of all the usual checks and other possibly necessary exams (for instance, blood taking).

On the day of the operation, the patient (fasting) is admitted to Day Surgery at 7am. The operation takes place within the surgery session dedicated to the Rizzoli-Sicilia Department Day Surgery service, between 8am and 2pm. The patient is checked by the ward doctors after the operation, and is dismissed in the afternoon, after the anesthesia wears off, usually before 6pm.

The Day Surgery ward is part of the General Orthopedics Unit, directed by Giovanni Pignatti, MD.

Contacts and Locations

Where are our locations?

Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute

Rizzoli-Sicilia Department

SS (State motorway) 113, km 246

90011 Bagheria (PA) - Italy