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Perut Francesca, MSc, PhD



Biotechnologist, PhD

Title of qualification awarded

2001 Degree in Biotechnology, cum laude, University of Bologna, Italy.

Other qualifications awarded

2005: PhD in Medical Biotechnology, University of Bologna, Italy.
2010: Master Degree in Cellular and Molecular Biology, University of Bologna, Italy.
2023: Master (I Level): "Evidence-based practice and methodology of the clinical reasearch"

Positions held

From 2008: Biotechnologist, staff, Biomedical Science and Technologies and Nanobiotechnology Lab (formerly, Laboratory for Pathophysiology and Regenerative Medicine), IOR.
2004-2008: Research Fellow, Laboratory for Pathophysiology of Orthopaedics Implants, IOR.
2004: Research Fellow (Marco Polo project), Institut für Pathologie, Universität Mainz, Germany
2002-2004: Research Fellow, Laboratory for Pathophysiology of Orthopaedics Implants, IOR.


Fluent English.


Good computer skills, including the use of standard office software, scientific software (Statview, GraphPad, Oligo, Quantity One, Lucia software), editing software (Adobe Pagemaker), graphics sofware (Jasc Paint Shop, Affinity Designer), Internet, and online biology-related software (PubMed, GeneBank, Blast).

Teaching activities

2005: Lecturer for course “Techniques of molecular and cellular biology”, Summer School: Biomaterials in Orthopaedics and Dentistry, University of Bologna, Italy.
2004-2024: Tutor for degree thesis in Biotechnology, University of Bologna, Italy.
2016-2018: Tutor for PhD thesis in Biomedical and Neuromotor SciencesBiotechnology, University of Bologna, Italy.
2018-2019: Lecturer within the project “IRMI – Creazione di un’infrastruttura multiregionale per lo sviluppo delle terapie avanzate finalizzate alla rigenerazione d’organi e tessuti” del CLUSTER “ALISEI” CTN01_00177_888744.
2022: Lecturer for “FINDOS” symposium (Finnish Doctoral Programme in Oral Sciences), Helsinki (Finlandia)

Scientific activities

Participation in research projects in the last 5 years:
2017-2022: H2020 Orthounion “Orthopaedic randomized clinical trial with expanded bone marrow MSC and bioceramics versus autograft in long bone nonunions”
2017-2019: IRMI “Italian Regenerative Medicine Infrastracture”
2018-present: AIRC “Altered lipid metabolism as a stress reaction to acid tumour microenvironment and a driver of metastasis in osteosarcoma”
2019-2020: Risposta cellulare a composti attivi sul metabolismo osseo (RICAMOs)
2023-present: EC Horizon Europe Ortho-Allo-Union “Orthopaedic treatment with ALLOgenic ATMP combination in UNION and non-UNION long bone fractures”
2024-present: Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI) "Biorider"

Awards: “Young Investigator Award”: 3rd Symposyium of ISPDC (2012 Kyoto, Japan)
Reviewer for: Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, Regenerative Medicine, Cell Transplantation, Stem cells, Oncology Letters, Biomaterials, Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Tissue Engineering, Disease Markers, International Journal of Oral Science, Journal of Orthopedic Research, Biomedical Materials, OncoTargets and Therapy, Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Life Sciences, DNA and Cell Biology, International Journal of Nanomedicine, Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Cancers, JoVE, Theragnostics. Scientific Reports, Journal of Nanobiotechnology, Pharmaceutics, Biomedicines, Nutrition Reviews, BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders.

Guest Editor for:
Frontiers in Oncology - Special Issue “Extracellular Vesicles in Bone Oncology” (2021)
International Journal of Molecular Sciences - Special Issue “Osteosarcoma: Current Advances from Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms to Therapy” (2023)

Member of the “Rigor and Standardization (R&S) Subcommittee: Conditioned medium derived EVs (CM-EVs) Task Force” (2021-present) and of “Plant EVs task force” (2024-present) dell’ International Society for Extracellular Vesicles.

Project Evaluator for French National Research Agency (ANR) and Croatian Science Foundation.

Author of 58 scientific papers published on Pubmed and Scopus. H-index: 29 (Scopus). Author of 3 book chapters. Over 80 conference communications. (Data updated at February 2025).

Clinical and/or Scientific interests

Cell biology and metabolism of bone tissue. Bone and tumoral microenvironment. Bone tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Extracellular vesicles-mediated communication in bone pathophysiology.