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Carpentieri Sara, MSc




Current assignment

Research Scholar

Title of qualification awarded

July 2024: Master’s degree in Health Biology at the Alma Mater Studiorum in Bologna

Other qualifications awarded
  • 2024: Habilitation to the profession of Biologist Sez. A
  • July 2022: Bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences at the University of Ferrara
Positions held
  • 2023-2024: 300 hours of traineeship. Traineeship in preparation for the final 500 hours test. Activities in the immunoistochemical laboratory; processing, embedding, cutting and preparation of samples for routine analysis and research on various tumour markers, automated immunoistochemical staining, assembly of histological and cytological preparations, Digitization of histological slides and image analysis, vision under microscope (Department of Pathological Anatomy at the Ospedale Maggiore, Ausl in Bologna).
  • 2021-2022: 300 hours of traineeship. Analysis of scientific articles on sexually transmitted diseases and prevention and therapeutic practices (University of Ferrara).
  • 2017-2018: Activities of storage and control drugs Classification of medicines Preparation of online orders Preparation of cosmetics (Farmacia Bergamini, Fanano(MO))

Italian: native speaker.

English: fluent.


Use of laboratory equipment for immunoistochemistry, microscopes, hoods, pipettes, micro pipettes, BenchMark Ultra IHC/ISH System, slides, machine to mount slides, solutions for processing histological and cytological samples, at the immunoistochemical laboratory in the Department of Pathological Anatomy at Ospedale Maggiore (BO). Use of computer and various administrative management systems, computer programs such as Word, Excel, at Albergo Bologna (MO).

Scientific activities

Partecipation in research projects:

  • Financed by UE (NEXTGENERATIONEU), code: PNRR-MCNT2-2023-12378098, title: Orthospine Fitness: whitch markers of muscoloskeletrical health can explain complications in spine surgery?.
Clinical and/or Scientific interests
  • Biomolecular analysis of cellular pathways in physiological and pathological conditions of the skeletal muscle system
  • Basic biology of skeletal muscle tissue