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Rizzoli in the top ten of the world ranking Newsweek

For the fifth consecutive year Rizzoli is in the world’s first places for orthopedics and steadily in the first place in Italy

September 17th, 2024

The annual ranking of the best hospitals in the world by specialty, is published today by US magazine Newsweek.

The Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute is ranked ninth among orthopaedic hospitals worldwide, for the fifth consecutive year in the top ten and steadily at the first place in Italy.

"We are proud of this international recognition, which stems from the very high specialization of our Institute. The close integration of assistance and research allows us to offer new opportunities for health care" says Anselmo Campagna, general director of Rizzoli. - The Rizzoli is a reference centre at Italian and international level for orthopaedic pathologies of very high complexity, such as: bone tumors, prosthetic infections, pediatric orthopaedics, complex reconstructions whith 3D printed prostheses; but it also represents a wealth for the regional and metropolitan territory. In fact, the Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute, in close collaboration with the USL company of Bologna and other metropolitan health companies, has to define a project for the Orthopaedic and Traumatological Network which, to ensure efficient standards services and time of treatment of urgent cases and scheduled interventions. The project is ready to be presented at the Metropolitan Territorial Social and Health Conference: all institutional actors involved in public health government, municipalities, regions, universities, healthcare companies are compared."

Newsweek’s ranking is based on a survey methodology that considers three areas: the assessments of 40,000 experts, including doctors, hospital managers and health care workers, the certifications acquired by hospitals and the implementation of PROMs (Patient Reported Outcome Measures), a tool for assessing the quality of care through patient-reported outcomes. On the latter parameter, Rizzoli received the highest score expected.

Immagine dalla sala operatoria, IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli
Photo from the operating room, IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli


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