Phone: +39-051-6366595
E-mail address: chiara.bellotti@ior.it
Phone: +39-051-6366595
E-mail address: chiara.bellotti@ior.it
Contract Biotechnologist
Master Degree in Biotechnology at the University of Bologna.
Auditor and lead Auditor of Quality Management systems (IMQ Formazione - expired).
Excellent knowledge of the Office Suite and of scientific data analysis and graphing software (GraphPad Prism). Good proficiency with software for the management and analysis of microscopy images (NIS Elements D, Image J) and image assembly (Photoshop).
Prevalent interests are: the use of mesenchymal stem cells in regenerative medicine applications or as drug carriers for the targeted treatment of Osteosarcomas, with particular attention to the regulatory and quality aspects of their isolation and preparation, and the translation from 2D to 3D in vitro biological models from the simplest spheroid model to the more spatial complexity of 3D-printed constructs.