Main container

Davoli Camilla, MSc




Current assignment

Research scholar

Title of qualification awarded

October 2024, Master Deegre in Medical Biotechnology, 100/110L
Tesi: “Alginate Spheres as MSC delivery system for Spinal Cord Injury”

Positions held

January 2022- July 2022 Internship University of Szeged
“Evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment with quinurenic acid injections (KYNA) in knock-out mice for KAT II, used as animal models for studying depression”

October 2018 - October 2021
Bachelor Deegre in Biotechnology L-2, Università degli Studi di Siena
Tesi: “Long-term fenofibrate administration to ease social deficits in a rat model of autism: possible role of the endocannabinoid system”


Italiano: madrelingua
Inglese: fluente

  • Microsoft Office
  • Software statistici (GraphPad, Image J)
  • Linguaggi di programmazione Python R
Clinical and/or Scientific interests

Biomaterials, Regenerative Medicine, Tissue engineering, Stem cells, Organ on a chip