Phone: +39-0516366787
E-mail address: luca.cavazza@ior.it
Phone: +39-0516366787
E-mail address: luca.cavazza@ior.it
Pharmaceutical Chemical
Health researcher
2022 Degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Tecnology, at the University of Ferrara
2015 Degree in Applied Sciences with specialization in Envitonmental Toxicology, at Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna
Italian: mother tongue
Inglese: fluent (level B2)
Evaluation of biocompatibility and biofunctionality of orthopaedic medical devices according to ISO 10993-1:2018 with respect to histological and histomorphometric analysis of implantable elements for highly customised prostheses and development of preclinical 3D in vitro models to study osseointegration.